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Comparison Guide to
Hudson Highland Art Panels
For Painting And Pastel

Primewood logo - link to Primewood art panels page

Superior Wood Painting Panels

Our PRIMEWOOD and reinforced PRIMEWOOD PLUS art panel lines are designed for artist's who are looking for the finest wooden panels. These are the best wood panels made, superior in both longevity and receptivity to paint. Distinguished by utilizing the most durable wood substrates and an advanced new priming system. Head and shoulders above true gesso panels. ... Sanford Gifford "Early Autumn"

Solid Ground logo - link to Solid Ground art panels page
Solid Ground
Archival Quality Solid Polymer Art Panels for Painting and Pastel

J. F. Kensett "Lake George" 1869
... Revolutionary panel designs for painters and pastel artists make SOLID GROUND the most advanced art panels in the world. Composed entirely of archival quality polymers and fine pigments, we often describe them as "the Corian© of art supplies." Custom made pastel and painting panels with exquisite surfaces which can be tailored to match your own needs. Designed to meet the highest standards of archival permanence.

- Primewood
Painting Panels
Primewood Plus
Painting Panels
Solid Ground
Painting Panels
Solid Ground
Pastel Panels
material: wood
(MDF/balsa core)
solid polymer solid polymer
thickness: 1/4" 5/8" 1/4" 1/4"
colors: white*2 white*2 white 3 choices
texture options: smooth smooth many choices 2 choices
custom sizes: no no yes yes
availability: in stock in stock made-to-order made-to-order
price: low moderate moderate premium
longevity: excellent excellent extreme extreme
strength: very good extreme high high
weight: 1.1 lbs/sq ft ~ 1.6 lbs/sq ft 1 lb/sq ft 1 lb/sq ft
max. size: 24" x 30" 24" x 30" *3 48" x 96" 48" x 96"
Achilles' heel?: lignin(?) *4 lignin(?) *4 extreme heat *5 extreme heat *5
*1 - details about our special Thin MDF (Medium Density Fiberboard) can be found our wood science "Glossary" page
*2 - dull white; slightly grayish
*3 - we offer larger sizes in our Solid Ground line only
*4 - read more about Primewood for details;
...........Primewood Panels are the first wood panels designed to minimize loss of lignin
*5 - may soften above 160o f.


  General Appearance of Our Painting Panels
Solid Ground for Painting Beautiful appearance; extremely attractive panels
Primewood Panels Functional appearance; nicely painted panels
Solid Ground for Painting Virtually flawless; paper-like appearance
Primewood Panels Smooth, matte paint finish; nicely uniform, no brush strokes;
may have occasional specks, minor irregularities
Solid Ground for Painting Straight saw-cut edges; hand finished edges optional.
clean, attractive appearance
Primewood Panels Straight, saw-cut, hand painted edge;
visible brush strokes; some raised wood fibers
Solid Ground for Painting Clean smooth "plastic" appearance
Primewood Panels Finished front and back, but generally only "1-side good"
  Appearance Notes:
Solid Ground for Painting Extremely clean and uniform; exquisite surfaces.
Primewood Panels No-nonsense, functional look; design choices place function
over looks. Nice and clean, but don't expect perfection.


See also:

Painting on . . . Plastic?



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